
MusicFest Canada

Musicfest Canada

A Complete Digital Transformation

Our collaboration with MusicFest predates the founding of Noble Pixels and has been a pivotal element in our company’s establishment. It all began with our CEO, Majid and Georgina Camacho engaging in a volunteer project during their school years aimed at revitalizing MusicFest's extensive website. Together, they transformed it into a comprehensive Content Management System for the organization.

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Largest Education Youth Music Festival in North America

MusicFest Canada stands as the largest educational music festival across North America. Our journey commenced in 2012, expanded to encompass the architecture and development of the entire online system responsible for managing MusicFest Canada's activities. The business application of MusicFest has brought about a digital revolution in various operations, facilitating the connection of numerous vendors and stakeholders to bolster this significant Canadian event.

Largest Education Youth Music Festival in North America

Architecting for a Large Scale Operation

Following the CMS setup, our next objective was to overhaul the festival's logistical operations. These operations were primarily managed through individual .ASP registration forms that facilitated data transfer from users to the database, with information retrieval via MYSQL reports to Excel. Over time, the organization had developed numerous forms and processes to handle its extensive operations. It became essential to develop a new system featuring a carefully designed architecture that took into account all users and scenarios.

Need for Documenation

Our project necessitated extensive documentation, demanding hundreds of hours dedicated to comprehensively understanding infield processes to accurately outline the project's requirements.

Developing while in Operation

The festival in May each year, necessitated the gradual implementation of digital transformation across several phases, all while ensuring the system remained operational to meet the time-sensitive demands of our seasonal operations.

Expanding MusicFests' teams for successful operations

Our team extended and retracted over more than two years and a number of amazing talents contributed in various requirements for Musicfest Canada. Starting with product managers in early stages to support documentation and requirement gathering, and leading to a lean development led by our information architect Anthony Roffidal and the development team Changyong Park, Taylor Brown and Sean Cho.













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Developing a Large-Scale Custom System

MusicFest Canada required various systems to be unified allowing reporting and data-processing to enable each stakeholder to receive their time-sensitive information throughout different cycles of the Festival. From application processes, to acceptances emails, registration openings and onboarding to scheduling systems for performances.

Public Website

Revamping the UX for a large CMS that handled the festival information need for the participants each year before entering to the application process.

User-Based Portal

A management system for the client to handle various parts of a data-driven process between students, teachers, schools and MusicFest staff.

A Reporting System

Hundreds of volunteers and staff working each year using the system to get their required information and operate the festival.

Stage Management

Handling multiple stages and many orcherstras to perform, MusicFest team needed an easy interface to see all the performances and schedule them via the available stages each year.

Financial Tracking

The system manages sensitive financial information for the participants, payments and issued receipts.

Time Sensitive Operations

MusicFest has specific dates for opening the application and closing that are sensitive to honour the fairness of students and participants applying for this festival.

Committed to Continued Support

MusicFest Canada’s extensive work requirements and our close collaboration over the years resulted in finding the best outcome, employing one of our most amazing and talented team members directly with the organization. Changyong has been working as the digital director of the organization since.


I've never really had to worry about things falling through the cracks…They are extremely good at following up.

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Mark Wicken - Educator, Executive Recruiter
Ex-President of MusicFest Canada and Author of Remember Me! Book
Other Nonprofit Projects

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